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4 Super Easy Weight Loss Hacks

#1  Meal Prep

Nutrition is a big part of weight loss, having your meals already prepared helps you stay on track. When you don't have to think about what to eat it helps lower your chances of choosing something unhealthy.

This is also a great way to track ingredients, basically know what you're eating.

#2  Drink More Water

Drinking more water not only keeps you hydrated, it helps to keep you full without the guilt. Which helps you eat less but leaves you still filling satisfied. 

This can also help you avoid intaking empty calories(sugary drinks etc.) If you would like to add taste, opt for fresh fruit and/or lemon.

#3  Rest (Sleep)

Weight loss isn't just about exercise and food intake, it also requires you to rest. This allows your body to recharge and your muscles to recover. Ex. Put your phone on DND or try getting at least 8 hours of sleep.


#4  Exercise in the Morning

On my own personal journey I found that exercising earlier in the day made it more likely for me to not make excuses. When waiting to the end of the day you may feel tired and end up talking yourself out of working out altogether.

If you can go ahead and get it out of the way, go for it.

These are 4 tried and tested hacks that will help you stay on track as you enjoy the foods you love and still drop the unwanted pounds. What would you add to this list? Leave a comment below!

-Chelsea G

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