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"Be Original"

With the world around us constantly changing everyday, always "Be Original" the way God created you to be. You are Unique, Peculiar and was created to be set apart and different. There is someone who needs what God has placed on the inside of you, don't ever desire to chase the trends of society. Be bold and stand firm in your Identity in Christ.

During my quiet time with God, as I was preparing content for my sisters in Christ. I ran across the statement, "Don't Compromise the Woman God Created You to Be" and it stuck with me. Fast forward to a week later God clear as day whispered, "Be Original.. "Always Remain Original" and that really blessed me and I went live on Thursday and shared this with my tribe. 

I pray that you never settle for what the world has to offer. Believe that God always have better for your life and trust Him. Here are a few things you can do if you ever feel the pressure from society:

1. Put Your Focus Back On Jesus- Take your eyes off people, and put your focus back on Jesus

2. Remember God's Word- Don't let what you see make you forget what God said.

3. Believe God's Word- Feed your mind faith, love and truth( God's word is all of that)

4. Social Status isn't Important to God- God isn't impressed with our social status, He looks at our obedience to Him and our faith


Keynote: No matter what's going on around you always choose God and "Be Original"


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